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Drunk driving cases involving child passengers

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2022 | DUI

If you currently face drunk driving allegations, you need to understand the potential penalties you could face. In addition to losing your license, suffering lasting damage to your reputation, paying costly fines and even spending time in prison, you could face additional penalties if young children were riding in the vehicle.

Sometimes, people are falsely accused of drunk driving or their rights are not respected during a traffic stop. It is pivotal to go over all of the details surrounding your case if you face these charges.

The penalties for drunk driving with young children

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, if you face drunk driving charges and a child under the age of 15 was riding in your vehicle during a traffic stop, you could face child endangerment charges. Furthermore, while drunk driving charges can result in the loss of your driving privileges for up to one year (or two years for a second or third offense), courts add an additional 180 days if a child younger than 15 was riding in the vehicle.

Parents charged with drunk driving while young children rode in the vehicle could also face an additional fine of as much as $10,000 and as many as two years behind bars.

Addressing drunk driving charges

In Texas, people become legally intoxicated when their blood alcohol level gets to .08. That said, some people can face drunk driving charges with a lower blood alcohol level, and it is illegal to drive if any amount of alcohol affects your driving abilities.

Every drunk driving case is unique, and it is very important for you to go over your options if your case involves a young child riding in the car.
